Below you will see some examples of music I have composed for different media outlets including Film, TV, Video Games and made bespoke tracks for many world class musicians, singers, tributes, magicians, full production show scores and various other artistes around the world.

This is a piece of music I scored to accompany a scene from HBO's hit series Westworld - Season 3 as part of a project between HBO and Spitfire Audio.
Adam is proud to announce that the soundtrack to the FMV video Game 'The Dark Side of the Moon' by Tayanna Studios is now released! Adam was incredibly honoured to be commissioned to compose the entire score and Official soundtrack to the game.
The album features 23 tracks all used in the game including two bonus tracks used on the gameplay trailer and announcement trailer.
"The soundtrack is glorious, No two ways about it!"
Rupert Booth - Contradiction, The Shapeshifting Detective
"He's Bloody Awesome, but I may take this moment to congratulate you as well on a sexy, delicious soundtrack"
Anarosa De Eizaguirre Butler - The Shapeshifting Detective